Eco-Friendly Practices in Honour of Earth Day
Publié le April 15, 2024 | par Compten
Earth Day is important as it reminds us of our collective responsibility to protect our planet, its ecosystem and its resources. As the day approaches, this is a perfect time to reflect on the ways we contribute to the preservation of the environment. Whether you’re starting on your eco-friendly journey, have been practicing sustainable habits for years, or are so overwhelmed that you don’t know where to start, here are five ways that you can implement eco-friendly practices into your daily life.
An easy first step into eco-friendly practices is following the three R’s: reduce, reuse, recycle. You can reduce your waste output by utilizing reusable products, composting and making wise purchases instead of partaking in overconsumption. If you find you have items that you no longer use for their primary purpose, you can reuse them as something else you need, or donate them to a second-hand store. It is also important to recycle instead of throwing everything in the trash. Materials like paper, plastic, glass, metal and even technology can be recycled and repurposed, allowing us to conserve our resources and reduce the demand for raw materials. Implementing these habits will reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, minimizing pollution and preserving the Earth’s natural resources for future generations.
Reduce Energy Consumption
You may not realize how much energy you consume on a daily basis, from gadgets at work to appliances in your home and even items that are plugged in but aren’t in use. Reducing your energy consumption is another easy first step when it comes to eco-friendly practices. Start by turning off all lights and appliances when they aren’t in use, unplugging them if you can. This is great for chargers, lamps, personal care and hygiene tools and more. Next, switch out your incandescent light bulbs for LED ones. These are more energy-efficient and will emit less heat. Lastly, smart gadgets are a great option to help you keep track of where you're consuming energy and turn them off. These are controlled by apps that can tell if appliances - such as light bulbs, thermostats, televisions, fans and more - are turned on and have the power to schedule when you’d like them on and off throughout the day.
Conserve Water
Fresh water is becoming a limited resource, so it is important to conserve it where we can. This could mean taking shorter showers, turning off the taps when they’re not actively in use and fixing any leaks coming from your pipes or faucets. There are water-saving appliances available that will decrease the amount of water used and lower your water bills. If you’re a gardener, consider installing a rain barrel around your home or on your balcony. This will help lower your water usage by collecting rainwater - the more beneficial water for plants - to provide to your greenery.
Choose Sustainable Commuting
Transportation is responsible for 27% of the greenhouse gas emissions in Canada, with personal vehicles making up half of that. Therefore, it is important to find more sustainable ways to get where you need to go. Instead of driving yourself everywhere, see if you can carpool with friends or coworkers. This will limit the amount of emissions released on a daily basis. You can also opt to use public transport. If the location is close by, consider biking or walking. Not only will this reduce your footprint, but it can also serve as a great workout. If you find that you rely heavily on your car but are in search of a new one, go electric or think about which gas-powered cars are more fuel-efficient.
Shop Sustainably, Locally and Organically
By prioritizing local and organic products, you can actively contribute to fostering environmental sustainability. Buying products that are made locally will help reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation and pesticide use, promoting sustainable practices right in your backyard. This can be done by visiting farmer’s markets, buying products made from recycled materials, using reusable items – such as bags, cups, water bottles, straws, cutlery and more - when going out and reducing your use of single-use items, like cotton swabs and pads.